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ALife 2024 Welcome Package 2024 ALife Welcome Party! 2023 ALife Welcome Party
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
After a few weeks of numerous abnormal introduction, finally something normal! Ok! Normal! Hmm… what to write…? Something normal… uh… errr…. huh… hum… Oh, tomorrow’s weather forecast: Partly cloudy, approximately 54F. Brought to you by that is slightly iterated by yours truly.
…… Yeah. Be safe. Be well. Peace.


晚餐 7:00 pm

聚會 8:00 pm

Current Study:


本週聚會內容 2010年十一








Team Julianne

Katie, Jerry, Andrew

Peter, Katherine




每週四禱告會 9:05pm; Tel: (712)775-7000, Access Code: 186254#

坐在天上的主啊,我向你舉目。看哪,僕人的眼睛怎樣望主人的手,使女的眼睛怎樣望主母的手,我們的眼睛也照樣望耶和華─我們的神,直到他憐憫我們。(詩篇 123:1-2)


1. 11/20 本週六是教會一年一度大家期待已久、令人振奮的大!掃!除~~!!!請各位務必前仆後繼、扶老攜幼,把一切塵埃汙垢一網打盡!也鼓勵大家趁機將生理心理上的壓力在打掃中發洩,有益身心健康!豐盛團契關心您!

2. 11/25 週四教會將有感恩節禮拜及 potluck!時間是 10:30am 開始,要來喔!


1. 朝正兄這陣子如果不吃止痛藥就會非常痛苦。經滿姐為了工作及照顧朝正兄,壓力也非常大。請我們仍然迫切為朝正兄和菁滿姐代禱,祈求上帝的帶領、安排及看顧,引導我們一起和他們爭戰。

2. 感謝主!淳文兄上週回來囉!請繼續為曼文姐和家人代禱,願主深深祝福、保守他們在一起的時光。

3. 恭喜Harmony 這週五將進行Concerto Competition 的總決賽!請大家為她的心禱告,願她的演出順利,且從這經驗學習依靠神而得到平安。




讀經:馬太福音 6:5-8

1. 請列出在你生活中四種常常會忘記向神禱告的事,並說明為什麼在這些事上,需要向神禱告?

2. 一般來說,禱告的內容有讚美、感謝、認罪、代求、祈求、和聆聽六種。

(1) 從禱告的內容來看,請問禱告是基督徒所當盡的義務嗎?

(2) 是什麼原因造成你缺乏禱告的生活?

3. 請讀經詩篇123:1-2

(1) 請問詩人的禱告有什麼特質?

(2) 我的禱告態度跟詩人禱告的特質有什麼不同?

Friday Schedule

Dinner: 7 pm

Fellowship: 8pm

Current Study:


This Week’s Overview November, 2010




Clean Up



Sister Kwei-Yueh

Team Julianne

Katie, Jerry, Andrew

Peter, Katherine


And ahhhhhh want to thank you~ for giving me the best day-hay of my l-aaah-f~!

Happy Thanksgiving! Fellowship is cancelled this week!

Thursday Prayer Meetings 9:05pm, (712)775-7000, Access Code: 186254#

I lift up my eyes to you, to you who sit enthroned in heaven. As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a female slave look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the LORD our God, till he shows us his mercy. (Psalms 123:1-2)


1. 11/20 this Saturday is the one, the only, the magnificent, the most exhilarating annual Church! Clean! Up! Daaaaay! Please invite friends and family to this great event! Show’em grease and dust what you’ve got! This is an excellent and healthy way to release physical and mental stress. Abundant Life cares!

2. 11/25 next Thursday we will have our Thanksgiving service and potluck at church! Service starts at 10:30am, so please come!

Prayer Requests

1. Lately when Brother Chaujun doesn’t take the pain killer medication, he would suffer great neck pain. Sister Jingmann is also struggling to handle the stress at work and taking care of him. We really need your prayers! Please continue to pray with great urgency for Brother Chaujun and Sister Jingmann, for His guidance, plans, care, and to lead us in this battle with them.

2. Praise God! Mr. Ko is back with us! Please continue to pray for Mrs. Kuo and her family, and that the Lord may bless and watch over their time together

3. Congratulations to Harmony for getting into the final round in the Concerto Competition this Friday! Please pray for her heart. May her performance goes smoothly, and that she will continue to learn to hold onto God from this experience and receive peace.


Yes class, you need to TURN IN your assignment! Don’t think that you got away with it last week!

As you say grace at every meal, write down your prayers, at least 5 of them. Don’t forget to bring them on Friday!

Please find “amen” from Book 3 and Book 4 in Psalms!

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:5-8

1. Please list the four things you tend to forget to pray to God. Explain also why you need to pray these things to Him.

2. In general, there are six categories that compose the contents of prayer: Praise, give thanks, confession of sin, ask for others, ask for self, and listen.

(1) Looking at the contents of prayer, is praying an obligation for Christians?

(2) What are the reasons why you lack a life of prayer?

3. Please read Psalms 123:1-2

(1) What are the characteristics in the psalmist’s prayer?

(2) What are the differences between my attitude in prayer and the psalmist’s characteristics in prayer?

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