1. 感謝主,「兩性關係特殊講座」有許多人的參與!沒有機會來的人有福囉!這次地電郵有附上週五講座的英文翻譯、週六講座的中文筆記(感謝 Julianne 的記錄!)以及劉牧師娘的講義。歡迎大家作參考!
2. 恭喜團契的一對弟兄姊妹姊婚!也謝謝 Jacob 當天照相的分享。相簿請看 這裡!
3. 11/13 雙橡園之遊就是這週六囉!目前預定是 9:20 am 集合。詳情會另發一份 email 給大家,有問題請和腕佑兄聯絡!
I am under vows to you, my God; I will present my thank offerings to you. For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life. (Psalms 56:12-13)
1. Praise God for the wonderful series of lectures on “Relationships between the Genders”! For those who missed the lectures, you’re in luck! Attached please find the English translation for the Friday lecture, the Chinese notes for the Saturday lectures (Thanks, Julianne!), and handouts from Mrs. Liew. Feel free to forward them around!
2. Congratulations to a certain couple from our fellowship that got married! Also thanks to Jacob for sharing his photos on the big day! Please see PICTURES!
3. The 11/13 Twin Oaks Trip is this Saturday! Meet up time is currently at 9:20 am. Details will be sent in another email. If you have questions please contact Wanyu!