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ALife 2024 Welcome Package 2024 ALife Welcome Party! 2023 ALife Welcome Party
*Registration link | 報名連結:
*Fee: Free
*Event Time: 9/23/2023, Saturday, 3-7 PM
*Location: Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (2036 Westmoreland St, Falls Church, VA 22043)
後疫情時代,仍然酷熱的天氣及高漲的物價讓人煩心,不管是學生還是出社會的我們,都需面對未知的將來。2023年9月23日,歡迎您來到北維州台灣長老教會附屬的豐盛團契(Abundant Life Fellowship),在迎新活動中藉由詩歌、遊戲,及分享,認識到內心平靜安穩的來源。藉由此機會更可以認識這個溫馨的大家庭,DC周遭的環境/朋友/資源,找到一個能夠支持你身心的社群。重要的是,如果你已經開始想念台灣美食,我們會提供台式晚餐,這更是不可錯過的機會!期待當天見到您!
*請填寫表單完成註冊手續,報名截止於 9/18 (ㄧ) 23:59pm.
In the post-pandemic era, the persistently hot weather and rising prices have been causing concerns for both students and those of us in the workforce. We all must face an uncertain future. On September 23, 2023, we welcome you to the Abundant Life Fellowship of the Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church. Through songs, games, and sharing during our welcome event, you can discover the source of inner peace and stability. This is also an opportunity to get to know this warm family and the surrounding community, friends, and resources in the DC area, creating a supportive community for your physical and mental well-being. Most importantly, if you’ve been missing Taiwanese cuisine, we will be serving a Taiwanese-style dinner—a not-to-be-missed opportunity! We look forward to seeing you on that day!
*Please join us by registering via this form by the end of 9/18 (Mon.) 23:59 PM.
*We can provide transportation to and from the meeting location, please find details in the form.

* To help us protect the health and safety of each other, if you are feeling ill, we kindly ask you to refrain from attending.

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