About Abundant Life


– Welcome to Abundant Life Fellowship –

       這是一個以留學生和專業青年為主的中文團契,她的目的在幫助年輕人得著更豐盛的生命。我們將這團契定名為《豐盛》,《豐盛》二字是出於約翰福音第十章第十節,主耶穌說:『 我來了,是要叫羊 (或作人) 得生命,並且得的更豐盛。』我們相信這個團契是因著神的愛而產生的,也要藉著神的恩典來運作。我們最大的盼望乃是,每一個參與的人都能得著主耶穌所應許的那更豐盛的生命。

2024 ALife Welcome Party!

*Registration link: https://forms.gle/kWvXRpykJzLGWhAF8
*Fee: Free
*Event Time: 9/14/2023, Saturday, 3-7 PM
*Location: Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (2036 Westmoreland St, Falls Church, VA 22043)
*FB Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/share/2cWqwFcBL71gwktF/

無論身在何方,身處任何人生階段,我們總是渴望有人相伴,尤其換到一個新的環境中,我們常會感到孤單與迷茫。2024年9月14日,北維州台灣長老教會邀請你參加我們的豐盛團契(Abundant Life Fellowship) 迎新活動,在迎新活動中藉由詩歌、遊戲,及分享,來尋找那份內心的充實與踏實。也讓你在輕鬆愉快的氛圍中認識我們這個溫馨的大家庭。我們會介紹DC周邊的環境、朋友和資源,幫助你找到支持身心的社群。還有,如果你已經開始想念台灣美食,我們會提供台式晚餐,這更是不可錯過的機會!期待在活動中與你相見,一起分享這份喜悅和美好時光!

*請填寫表單完成註冊手續,報名截止於 9/8 (日) 23:59pm.

No matter where you are or what stage of life you’re in, we always long for companionship, especially when we find ourselves in a new environment, where feelings of loneliness and uncertainty often arise. On September 14, 2024, we welcome you to the Abundant Life Fellowship of the Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church. Through songs, games, and sharing during our welcome event, you can discover the source of inner fulfillment and stability. In a relaxed and joyful atmosphere, you will have the opportunity to get to know our warm and welcoming community. We will also introduce you to the surrounding DC area, its people, and resources to help you find a supportive and nurturing community. And if you’re already missing Taiwanese cuisine, don’t miss out on our delicious Taiwanese dinner! We look forward to seeing you at the event and sharing this joy and wonderful time together!

*Please join us by registering via this form by the end of 9/8 (Sun.) 23:59 PM.
*We can provide transportation to and from the meeting location, please find details in the form.

2023 ALife Welcome Party

*Registration link | 報名連結: https://forms.gle/8Gu9KEARPuKYwmJh6
*Fee: Free
*Event Time: 9/23/2023, Saturday, 3-7 PM
*Location: Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (2036 Westmoreland St, Falls Church, VA 22043)
後疫情時代,仍然酷熱的天氣及高漲的物價讓人煩心,不管是學生還是出社會的我們,都需面對未知的將來。2023年9月23日,歡迎您來到北維州台灣長老教會附屬的豐盛團契(Abundant Life Fellowship),在迎新活動中藉由詩歌、遊戲,及分享,認識到內心平靜安穩的來源。藉由此機會更可以認識這個溫馨的大家庭,DC周遭的環境/朋友/資源,找到一個能夠支持你身心的社群。重要的是,如果你已經開始想念台灣美食,我們會提供台式晚餐,這更是不可錯過的機會!期待當天見到您!
*請填寫表單完成註冊手續,報名截止於 9/18 (ㄧ) 23:59pm.
In the post-pandemic era, the persistently hot weather and rising prices have been causing concerns for both students and those of us in the workforce. We all must face an uncertain future. On September 23, 2023, we welcome you to the Abundant Life Fellowship of the Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church. Through songs, games, and sharing during our welcome event, you can discover the source of inner peace and stability. This is also an opportunity to get to know this warm family and the surrounding community, friends, and resources in the DC area, creating a supportive community for your physical and mental well-being. Most importantly, if you’ve been missing Taiwanese cuisine, we will be serving a Taiwanese-style dinner—a not-to-be-missed opportunity! We look forward to seeing you on that day!
*Please join us by registering via this form by the end of 9/18 (Mon.) 23:59 PM.
*We can provide transportation to and from the meeting location, please find details in the form.

* To help us protect the health and safety of each other, if you are feeling ill, we kindly ask you to refrain from attending.

FB event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/841178554194878

Church-wide OPEN HOUSE

Saturday, August 26, 10 AM – 3 PM @CTPC

CTPC will host an Open House on August 26th from 10 AM to 3 PM.  The purpose is to make connections with our neighbors in the Washington Area. We plan to have Taiwanese food, hotdogs and burgers, bounce house, Arts and Crafts, and some music presentations. Please mark your calendar and bring yourself along with your friends! Hope to see you there!

教會將於 8 月 26 日 (週六) 上午 10 點至下午 3 點舉辦 Open House活動,邀請大華府地區的居民和鄉親。我們計劃提供台灣美食、熱狗和漢堡等食物、並有充氣城堡等兒童遊戲、藝術品展示、以及音樂表演。歡迎兄姊屆時踴躍參與!

3/26 (週六) 豐盛團契賞櫻

2022 豐盛團契賞櫻 | 2022 Abundant Life Cherry Blossom Excursion

請用以下的Google Form報名 (3/24截止餐點與carpool登記) :



引頸期盼,一年一度DC最美的櫻花季即將到來!有別以往的Tidal Basin,今年我們將前往國立植物園 (U.S. National Arboretum),那裡除了有70種不同的櫻花樹,還有各式各樣的植物及花朵供欣賞及散步! 豐盛團契誠摯邀請您,讓我們一同欣賞頌揚美麗的景緻與造物主的美妙,快來報名!

Date: 3/26/2022 Saturday
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Meet up location: National Capitol Columns (柱子景點), U.S. National Arboretum (https://www.usna.usda.gov/)

09:00am-09:20am: 集合 (柱子區)
09:20am-10:00am: 敬拜讚美+遊戲
10:00am-11:30am: 盆栽博物館 (10am開放入場) / 賞櫻
11:30am-12:30pm: 集合+合照 / 結束可一同野餐(自由參加)

午餐 Lunch (自由參加 / optional):
我們將提供午餐 (野餐形式),若您也要一份午餐,請於報名表上註明 (費用: 免費 Free)

交通方式 Transportation:
1) 開車/自行抵達
3) 地鐵站接送: 請於報名表上填寫細節方便聯繫


Contact us: abundantlifectpc@gmail.com