我 們 應 當 靠 著 耶 穌 , 常 常 以 頌 讚 為 祭 獻 給 神 , 這 就 是 那 承 認 主 名 之 人 嘴 唇 的 果 子 。 (希 伯 來 書 13:15)
1. 歡迎 Johnson Huang 為我們新的領詩組長!鼓掌鼓掌!啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪!很感謝他願意服侍的心,也請大家盡量彼此幫忙扶持。
2. 週五晚餐仍需各位大廚們踴躍的幫忙!特別是以下的日期:10/29, 11/19, 及 12/17。如果有意願者,請速速速速速速速速速速速速速速和瓊連絡!謝謝!qiongchina@yahoo.com
3. 是的,我們的網站仍是活著的!在這裡告訴大家我們的網址:http://ctpchurch.org/alife
4. 10/23 Shenandoah 之遊的大略行程如下。週五請向Morgan 登記!
- 8:00AM: 從教會出發
- 到 Shenandoah
- 吃午餐
- 走走、賞楓
- 玉蜀黍田
- 吃晚餐
- 8:00-9:00PM: 回教會
5. 11/5-6 我們特別邀請到劉美蘭牧師娘舉行兩性關係特殊講座。這是極難得的機會喔!我們將探討的話題有以下幾點,希望大家都能來參加!
- 該如何知道神為我預備的另一半?
- 合神心意的男女關係與交往
- 怎樣建立一個基督化的家庭?
6. 11/13 我們準備去 Twin Oaks & National Cathedral! 快來報名吧~! http://tinyurl.com/3x5ryqw
1. A warm welcome to our new Worship Leader Johnson Huang! Let’s give him a round of applause! Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap!!!! We’re thankful for his willing heart to serve, and may everyone serve side by side with him!
2. Friday dinners still need all wondrous and legendary chefs to serve on the following dates! 10/29, 11/19 and 12/17. Please contact Joan sooner than soon if you are willing to help! Thank you! qiongchina@yahoo.com
3. Yes, our website is still alive! Putting the address here for your reference! http://ctpchurch.org/alife
The newsletter, photo album (under gallery) and calendar of events are all on there! Feel free to browse and provide your insights and suggestions!
4. The rough schedule for our 10/23 Shenandoah trip is OUT! Please sign up with Morgan this Friday if you’d like to go!
- 8:00AM: Meet at church
- Shenandoah
- Lunch
- Hiking
- Cornfield
- Dinner
- 8:00-9:00PM: Back at church
5. We have especially invited Mrs. Liew on 11/5-6 for a special lecture on Relationships between the Genders. This is a great opportunity, so don’t miss it! Topics to be discussed are as follows:
- How to know my other half whom God has prepared for me?
- A godly relationship
- How to build a Christian family?
6. We are going to Twin Oaks and the National Cathedral on 11/13! Hurry up and sign up if you’d like to go! Yay yay yay! http://tinyurl.com/3x5ryqw