Children’s Sunday School
Helping Kids and Families Grow in the Gospel
- We strive to teach the Word and nurture in children a spirit of knowledge, curiosity, joy and engagement in the Gospel.
- We believe that the Children’s Ministry is a part of the larger church and what the church is doing in worship, fellowship, and mission.
- We recognize that God gives parents the spiritual responsibility of raising their kids. As such, we strive to support parents and families in fulfilling this calling.
How Do We Accomplish This?
Through Our Curriculum
We use curriculum that is Gospel centered with an emphasis on creating a fun environment that helps kids learn.
Through Parental Involvement
We want to foster fellowship between parents and teachers. In addition, we ask parents to come into the classroom (for the last 10 min.) to hear what their kids have been learning. That leads to opportunities to continue the spiritual discussions at home.
Through Participation in the Church
We believe that kids should worship with their parents in the worship service. Doing so strengthens the family spiritually, and kids get to fully experience what it means to live the church community.
Learn More About Volunteering in Children’s Ministry
Every Sunday begins at 10am with an introductory activity that sets the the tone for the day. A story teller will creatively introduce our story. Afterward, children will break into age appropriate small groups with two leaders to help process what they have learned. Through his process, our hope is for the children to have an encounter with God and to invite them to respond to God.
After a small break, the children will join the parents for to the english worship service at 11:30am. The hope behind this is again to reinforce the concept of worshiping together as a family.
We hope and pray that this format will be helpful for your children to encounter God and to engage his Word. Together, we hope that a new generation will be built up and given a worldview that is shaped by the gospel.
If you’d like to learn more about volunteering with our Children’s Minitry, please contact our Education Deacon.