Our Beliefs

We are a reformed, historically orthodox church.

About the Scriptures
The Bible is God’s revelation of His character and work of redemption in human history. It is inspired (breathed out) by God and thus inerrant in everything it says and teaches. In addition, the Scriptures are our highest authority and is necessary for our understanding of God’s grace and work in our lives.

About God
God is triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three persons and one nature. We believe in God as He has revealed Himself in the Scriptures. He is Creator, Sustainer, Judge, Provider and ultimately Redeemer.

About Man
Because of original sin, man is hopelessly in bondage to sin. Before the Fall, we were created as image bearers, tasked to fill and subdue God’s perfect world. In the Fall, we rejected God and experienced the consequences, alienation from God, people and even our own selves. As sinners, we are lost and separated from God, dead in our sins and transgressions. Our only way out of this state is through God’s redeeming grace.

About Jesus Christ
Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, the Son incarnate. He was both fully man and fully God. In his human nature he was just like us, but knew no sin. He submitted his life and will to the Father’s plan which ultimately led him to the cross. On the cross, he suffered, died and physically rose from the dead. In his death, he was fully separated from the Father in order to take our just punishment, and in his resurrection, he brought us new life. Salvation is only found in and through him.

About the Gospel
The Gospel is the good news that Jesus has come to take our death so that we could receive his life.  In his death, we are justified and brought into the family of God. But, the Gospel is about more than salvation. The Gospel is also the way to grow, to be sanctified by His grace. The error that has been made by most Christians is that they are saved by grace and sanctified by works. But it is the motivation and power of the Gospel working through the Holy Spirit that really changes our hearts.

About the Church
The church is the Bride of Christ and the local manifestation of God’s kingdom. In a practical way, the church is a local body of people who are called together by professing Jesus as the Christ. In the church, the members are meant to love and serve one another through their spiritual gifts, and they are meant to rebuke, encourage, and strengthen each other in the faith. The church is meant to be a necessary part of each believer’s spiritual growth in godliness. It is also meant to be a place of worship and a place where the unbelieving world can see God worshipped. The church has the responsibility to discipline members who are found in sin, and the ability to administer the Sacraments properly.

About Eschatology
Jesus will physically return on a day and time that only the Father knows. With his second coming, all people will face judgment. The faithful will enter into perfect fellowship with God, and the rest will face condemnation. All of creation will be redeemed and brought under God’s rule and reign.