
As a community of Christ-followers, we engage the world near and far to share Christ’s love and His Gospel message, both within our own and across different cultures.

Upcoming Events

Remember Niger 40-in-40 Update

We are in the home stretch. Praise God that 29 students have found sponsors! There is still time for the remaining 11 children waiting for sponsors, but we need your help. Just $35 a month provides an education for a pre-K through 6th grade girl or boy. $50 a month provides an education for a girl in middle school or high school. Please prayerfully consider if God is calling you to sponsor one of the remaining 11 children.

Our members participate in short-term mission projects to support the work of different mission organizations.

We also support the following missionaries and organizations engaged in different ministries overseas.

Gus & Audrey (Lin) Chan, ministering to the working class in Taiwan (OMF Australia)
John McCall, equipping leaders of churches in Taiwan (Presbyterian (PCUSA) Mission)
Mark & Ruth Harbour, church planting across the west coast of Taiwan (Global Outreach International)
Remember Niger Coalition, sharing God’s love to the children of Niger through education
Taiwan Theological College and Seminary
Village Gospel Mission, planting and supporting churches in rural villages of Taiwan
Wayne & Gail Chen, providing pre-field training for cross-cultural missions workers in Asia (RADIUS Asia)

If you’d like to learn more about our missions and partnerships, please contact our Missions Deacon.