Building a community of disciples that point people to Jesus.

We are a multi-generational ethnic church ministering to the needs of Taiwanese and English speakers in the Greater DC area.

We come from all walks of life striving to be centered on God's Word and His Mission by enjoying God, experiencing community, and engaging the World. We are excited to see what God will do through us and we invite you to be a part of this journey!

我們聚集的目的在於見證上帝的恩典, 傳揚耶穌基督的福音, 分享聖靈的恩賜. 藉著敬拜讚美, 得以領受主恩; 藉著查考聖經, 得以研習真理; 藉著團契分享, 得以彼此建造; 藉著關懷社會, 得以服務眾人.

Worship With Us

We are also livestreaming both services at the link below.

Worship Online (Taiwanese) Worship Online (English)

Get In Touch

Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church is located in Falls Church near the 66 / 267 interchange and the West Falls Church metro station.

Unable to visit in person? Please join us every Sunday morning online via Zoom!